


Are you stuck and need guidance from beyond? Want help from spirits with a problem or issue you’re struggling with? Do you need help healing? Choose from multiple tarot decks. Or how about a rune reading using exquisite, authentic and magical bones? Book your reading TODAY at my Facebook page Mama Dragon

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She’s awesome! her readings are spot on and she gives great advice when you need it most.

Amazing gift put to use. 

Mani was so kind through the whole process of receiving a reading from her. When she sent it to me I felt she genuinely tapped into exactly what I needed at the time and it helped me completely in moving forward to the next phase of my life. I will be scheduling again and recommend her 100%.


Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away. It may be the passing of a loved one, the loss of a relationship or friendship or even your job. Whatever it is, the grief you feel is real. Often, the pain of loss can feel overwhelming. You may experience all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt, and profound sadness.

Processing your grief is a very important process to overcome this pain you’re facing after your loss. Human beings are almost hardwired to avoid any kind of pain because being in pain is not our natural state of being. Love is. And love in its truest form holds no pain, suffering or insecurities. Facing and processing your grief properly can be a scary and difficult process. It is vital that you are completely honest with yourself and see things as they really are. Which is not always easy because our emotions tend to change our perception of things. Take time to fully experience and feel your emotions. This is often the hardest part. You may cry, rage, feel numb and a number of other feelings. This is a normal part of the grieving process and there is no set of rules as to how you are supposed to react. We all handle grief and sadness differently, and that is okay. It is important you don’t get stuck in this stage. Pain will transform into suffering at one point, and suffering is often optional. Pain isn’t.

Grief and grieving is different. Grief is your natural response to loss. While grieving is coming to terms with loss. So it is important to work at coming to terms with your loss. Life may not be the same after your loss, and that is okay. Instead of accepting the changes that loss can bring many people expect life to be the same. And when they find out it never will be they go through a new grieving process. Which is the loss of who they used to be and how life used to be.

Loss is something that can throw our life into a sudden and abrupt change. That is never an easy thing to handle. We all react differently to loss. And this is normal. It is important to remember that grief is very real to the person going through it. Even if they’re grieving over something you wouldn’t.

All those days that came and went, little did I know they were life. Stig Johansen

We spend so much time waiting. Waiting for the perfect moment to arrive, or for someone else to take the first step. And while you are busy waiting life passes by day by day. You only live this life once. Why waste your days on endless waiting? We are all afraid of not succeeding in our adventures. But we all need to realize that life does not come with any guarantees. There is only one way to find out if we can do it or not, and that is to try. If you never try even once you are sure to fail. Life is so precious with all its ups and downs, all the adventures, miracles and beauty it holds. Even the difficult days that leaves us with more wisdom and experience. We need to learn how to find the courage to really LIVE and LOVE while we can. At the end of the day we can take great comfort in knowing that even if we didn’t succeed then at least we found the courage to give it our best shot. And that is worth a lot.

Doing yourself a favor, or looking for an excuse to quit?

It is true that walking away sometimes is the best course of action. When every avenue is explored and you have done everything you can to fix it. Or your current enviroment has grown too toxic to stay in. People are being encouraged all the time to walk away. It is like listening to a song on constant repeat. A tune I do not necessarily agree with. At times walking away it the only smart thing to do. And it is an act of self-love, not selfishness. Before you walk away from whatever it is that is tempting to leave, you need to ask yourself something. “Am I getting ready to walk away because there is nothing more to be done, or am I looking for an excuse to give up?” There are times in our lives where we should have stayed and worked through it. But we don’t, because it is so much easier to just throw our hands in the air and give up. If you give up too soon, when you could have worked through it instead, you will never know how far you could have gotten. Or how good your life can get if you just stuck with it and worked through whatever issues and challenges that lies ahead. You need to remember though, that this should never happen at the expense of your health, sense of self-worth and sanity.

Accepting the absence of closure

There is nothing wrong with wanting closure. We do however make a mistake when we tell ourselves that we cannot possibly move on without it. But what is closure really? We tell ourselves that the other person or persons admits what they have done, explains to us why they did or said it and apologizes. This is a daydream, people. The brutal truth is that often people do it just because they could or wanted to. And when asked they are going to deny it. Or even worse; Will openly admit they did it, but won’t see anything wrong with it. So therefore they will never in a million years apologize. Then what? Are you going to continue to suffer and being stuck in the victim role? Continuously asking yourself “Why?” and cry till rivers turns into oceans? And for what? For someone that doesn’t give a shit? Or perhaps they are just continuing to act like a crazy person, relentlessly attacking you? You don’t need a reason why. All the reasons in the world won’t undo what happened. And you know this. So stop pretending it will make a difference. Reasoning with them will not help either. If they gave a shit about your feelings they would never have done it. Period!

Emotionally detach yourself from the situation for a bit and really look. Ask yourself “Do I deserve better?” The answer to that question is yes! Sometimes it’s better to just turn off the emotions towards someone completely and make a clean break. You do not, I repeat: Do not, have to accept being treated like this. Speaking up and arguing with them will only fuel the flames. When it gets to this point you should perhaps have walked away a long time ago. So why didn’t you? Our feelings can blind us. You know what? It is okay if that happened. But now that you see them for what and who they are, and how they really are treating you, there is no excuse good enough to stay. Not if you want to show yourself some self-love. Because by staying you are only putting your heart in harms way.

It is about time you are in your own corner and do what is right for you. You do not owe anyone a damn thing. And nobody has a right to treat you badly. So straighten that back and walk away. The only one you owe an apology to is yourself for putting up with more shit than you deserve.

There is a Retrograde? Help!!

So there is a Retrograde happening? Which one? Mercury…?! Oh no.. Now what? First of all – Calm down! This is not the end of the world. Far from it. It is a common misconception that Mercury will mess up your relationships, your devices, your communication and a bunch of other things. People start talking about Mercury retrograde being “dangerous” and the rumor start spreading. This many people can’t be wrong! Yes, they can. And they are. It is true that during this retrograde things start messing up. Have it occured to you that it might be you and your own fear that is creating a lot of the the troubles? Because the energy fear brings is pretty hardhitting. Others plant the seed in you, but you keep tending to it and nourishing it. And thus making it worse and worse for yourself. What are you doing to yourself?

The planets and their energy does have an effect on us. That is true. What is important to remember is that you are the one that is in control of yourself. Not the planets or the moon. Nothing or nobody have any power over you unless you give it away. The solution here is simple: Stop giving it away! The easiest way of doing this is to plant your feet firmly on the ground and stop believing everything that you hear. Just because someone say something is true doesn’t mean it’s true. The truth is that retrogrades can be a great tool for you and your growth. If you use them correctly. Mercury can help you better your commication skills. It can also help you improve your control of your mind, so that you can avoid mind fog and confusion. You can also practice seeing things in your life more clearly. You won’t be able to do any of this if you are busy running scared.

Retrogrades can, and will, be a great help for you if you just use them right. And what you need to focus on is yourself.

Would you dare?

If you were given the opportunity to:

  • Grow and evolve spiritually
  • Reprogram your brain to change negative thought patterns and implement these changes into your life
  • Become more aware
  • Learn how to make new, better choices
  • Interpret your dreams
  • Get help to get rid of old emotional pain and set healthy boundaries for yourself
  • Learn to be a problem solver
  • Change your inner dialog
  • Learn to manage stress
  • Live in the present moment

Would you do it? How much would it take for you to do it? What would you be willing to do to learn?


You have been trapped in their claws for a long time, and they gained full control over you. Emotionally, mentally, spiritually, socially, financially and every other way you can think of. Somewhere along the way it felt like you lost yourself. Almost ceased to be yourself. This person you once were feels gone. Disintegrated. I hate to say it, but you are right. But now they are losing their grip on you, and you are close to being rid of them for good. Maybe you are already rid of them. They are out of your life, never to return. This is a thing to be celebrated, no? You can finally relax and live life on your own terms. Now everyone will understand what they were like, what you have been through and how hard it was. Unfortunately, it does not work like that. I wish it did, but it does not.

When the narcissist starts feeling their grip is loosening things will start to happen. You are breaking free. For the narcissist this is beyond offensive. How dare you stand up for yourself and break free? They own you, hide and hair, and can do whatever they please to you. At least in their opinion they can. They are playing a game of cat and mouse with you. The cat would show the mouse mercy in the end and kill it. The narcissists will never do that. That means the end of the game, they won’t have anyone to make them feel better about themselves and their food supply would thus end. Now you are breaking free, or already has. And now they are hellbent in destroying you. You are of no value to them anymore, their toy is broken, and now they want to annihilate and destroy you. And the narcissist will stop at nothing to accomplish their goal.

There are things you need to be aware of and watch out for. Understand something; In their mind they OWN you. They have worked hard to teach you, mould you and get you where they want you. Which is in their total control and under their heel. And now you have the audacity to get back up? To the narcissist this is scarier than you know. Now it will become vital to the narcissist to get their side of the story out before you start blabbing. Before you start telling the truth. And if you do they need to make damn sure that nobody believes you. So, they will start a vicious smearing campaign against you and your good reputation. What is left of it anyway. They need to change people’s view on you and make sure nobody believes you. Deniability and avoiding taking responsibility for their actions is important to the narcissist. For in their minds, they did nothing wrong. They have the right to do, say and treat you in any way they see fit. But by now they know they have lost and their control over you is gone. The smearing campaigns are always used by abusers for what they consider to be premeditated damage control in anticipation of exposure.

Do not fool yourself, because the narcissist will take this task extremely serious. The parts of the story that can reflect on them or reveal what they are like is parts they will do everything in their power to control and change. The narcissist’s goal is to get people’s attention away from them and over to you. They want people to believe they were victimized and not you. That you are in fact the villain here, not them. So they will project their personality traits over on you. They have no problem lying, twisting facts around and telling half the story. And some parts will be left out completely. All of this is designed to make you look like a liar should you have the audacity to tell the truth. They cannot afford for the truth to come out. If the world knows the truth about who and what they are their chances for finding a new victim to feast upon will dwindle into nothing. Their weapon of choice is often verbal and psychology. Mind games. Do not make the mistake of underestimating the narcissist. They have years of experience in perfecting their effect on people. And now they are pulling out all their heavy weaponry to attack you and blow you out of the water. The narcissist will systematically try to dismantle your relationships, reputation, emotional, physical and spiritual health, your life and even your very soul. They will never feel guilty, and they will never see anything wrong with what they have done. Do not try to convince people that this person is abusive. You will look vindictive, mean and the narcissist will turn to others and say “I told you. Look at them and how mean they are.”

What can you do to protect yourself from this evil smearing campaign and annihilation you are subjected to? I do have some advice for you. I urge you to make notes, you do not want to forget these things.

• DO NOT ENGAGE! You will undoubtedly hear a constant stream of lies coming from their mouth. This is someone that claimed to love you, and therefore it hurts. You may feel humiliated, foolish, embarrassed, exhausted and even furious. As much as you are tempted to beg them to stop, fight back or argue with them, you must not engage. They are baiting you again. Trying to get a reaction from you so that they have proof that you are crazy, delusional and out to get them. They will make themselves look like the victim and you the villain. Stay silent so you don’t give them any ammunition. This does not mean you approve or agree. It is just important you raise yourself above their petty games. Be better than them. This will in time cause people to realize how childish the narcissist really are.

• PICK YOUR BATTLES! Never try to disprove every allegation and lie. You must decide what is worth your time, energy and focus. Which you sooner or later will discover isn’t much. Let the rest go. Many of the allegations and lies they put out there will be so vague and masterfully constructed to be very hard to prove as lies. So do yourself a favour – Don’t try! While defending yourself, keep focused on disputing the untruths with indisputable facts. Bring physical proof to the table.

• DO NOT GET PERSONAL! Trying to prove your case by speaking ill of or to the narcissist will give them the ammunition they need to portray you as vindictive and mean. And their attempts to look like your victim will be strengthened. I also recommend you to not openly refer to them as a narcissist. That will reflect poorly on you. Your best course of action is to avoid labels, let their actions speak for themselves and do not engage in personal attacks. Always conduct yourself professionally.

• KNOW YOUR TRUTH! They will try to confuse you and make you unsure of what is true or not. But there will be times when you will doubt yourself. They are out for revenge on you, and they may claim you are out to destroy them. They will claim many things, verbally and non-verbally. It is important you know your truth and you stick to it come what may.

• DECREASE COMMON LINKS! Mutual friends must go. They may become flying monkeys or informants for the narcissist to further the narcissist’s wanting to inflict damage. If mutual friends do not want to pick a side then make the choice for them. Cut all contact with the narcissist and cut all ties to them. Block them on Facebook, avoid going to places you used to frequent with them and risk bumping into them. Even if that means a family event.

Last, but not least, there is something you should be aware of. Something the narcissist may never think of. And if they do they will still believe you never have the courage to actually do so. There may be legal steps you can take against the narcissist. Your first step is to consult with a lawyer. Ask them what you can do and you might want to bring evidence and/or witnesses.

– You might be able to file a defamation lawsuit against them because of the smearing campaign and sue for financial compensation for the damages done by the smearing campaign, depending on how serious it is.

– You request that offending material is removed from websites and other media outlets.

– You can possibly send a cease-and-desist letter that provides notice that legal action may and will be taken if the conduct in question continues. Such letters are usually written by a lawyer. It is a warning of sorts.

A narcissist will not wake up, change or learn a better way of being. This is who they are. The person you once met, the person you loved, never really existed. It was all an illusion to lure you in. A mirage so you would be drawn to them. You will look back and wonder when they changed. They did not change. What happened was that when you were hooked enough, and under enough control, they showed you their true selves. Their real colours. A narcissist has no empathy and will always put their needs and wants before anyone else’s. A narcissist doesn’t know how to love. They have no interest in learning either. So how were they able to fool you? How did you mistake their feelings for love? First and foremost, you need to understand that they had no feelings for you to begin with. Your feelings were real, and you meant it when you told them you loved them. A narcissist is an expert at mimicking emotions. Because they are such good observers, they know how it is supposed to look and make others feel. The person you love does not exist. The sooner you realize that the better. I know you were fooled and lied to. You were taken advantage of and used in the most gruesome way imaginable. They picked you apart piece by piece until there was nothing left. That is what it feels like, is it not? But that is just another one of the narcissist’s illusions. There is something left. There is plenty left. That is why you managed to break with the narcissist and leave. You took yourself back and are walking away. That takes more strength and power than the narcissist can ever hope to have. You woke up from the slumber they put you in and now you see them for who and what they truly are. A small and weak person. A horrible person that does not deserve a second of your time and none of your energy.

One step at the time will bring you to your destination

Finding the correct balance in life is not always easy. It is a constant effort maintaining it. Because let’s face it – Life happens. Still it is so important. When we find that right balance you will feel more at peace and although challenges still arrive they feel much easier to deal with. There are times when this seems like a distant dream and nothing else. When the hardships are just piling up and it seems insurmountable. That is when it is easy to sit down and give up. Rest if you need to, but don’t give up. Just keep working on maintaining the best balance you can. No storm last forever so it will eventually pass. No matter how hard and difficult it is.

Religion and fear mongering

I have been a true heathen at heart all my life. I have also been keeping to myself when my beliefs are concerned. Was never afraid of being judged for I couldn’t give a flying fuck what people think or not about my personal beliefs. I never bothered to hide, but I stayed quiet simply because it isn’t anyone’s business. Everyone has a right to believe in and worship whatever they like. As long as nobody tries to shove it down my throat I couldn’t care less what they believe in. Then I started to walk in the heathen and pagan communities on Facebook because I thought it would be nice to meet like-minded people. I met something, but it wasn’t like-minded people. Not really. For instead I discovered a lot of shit, let me tell you. I have been walking in these communities for some years now and what I see more than anything else is fear. You heard me.. Yes, fear. For the most part that fear is directed at others religion. And it makes me ask myself what’s so scary about it. So someone believes in something different than you. They might be a Christian, a Muslim or whatever they are. I have even met people who worship rocks for fuck sake. Who the bloody hell cares what they believe in?! That’s the beauty of free will people. As long as they’re not hounding you trying to convert you and pissing on your belief it really doesn’t matter.

What I witness is an age where people lose their minds if they hear the word “Christian” or anything remotely associated with another religion. And this is from people claiming to have the same heritage as I have. Norse or Viking. Frankly it’s fucking embarrassing to watch. They run around screaming up about how a true Norse is never scared and they act like they’re constantly on the war path. While at the same time acting like a frightened, judgmental and entitled brat when they are exposed to a different belief system than their own. Only a fool never feels fear. It keeps you alive and aware of dangers. Being brave is doing it anyway and doing what is necessary regardless of your fears. They are also saying they honor the Allfather by being hungry for knowledge and studies hard. Everything on Midgard is studied. What a pack of fucking lies!! Keeping an open mind to true learning is an alien concept for this lot. Unless people agree with them and believe the same as them. If not they’re attacked. This does not sound like a brave person honoring the Allfather and the magnificent courage the ancestors had. To me it sounds more like a fool.

One example is The Varangian Guard who were a part of Byzantine Army and personal bodyguards of the Byzantine emperors from the 10th to the 14th centuries. There has been found proof that the Vikings was there, working as the emperors personal guards. These people had Christianity as a state religion people!! Yet my ancestors couldn’t give a fuck. They were paid and still did the job. And they did one hell of a job too. So much so that they went down in history for it. How do you think that would have gone down in today’s society with all this fear mongering and ridiculous behavior. Start a war against the Christians because they have a different religion, and because too many atrocities have been committed in the name of Christianity? Well, take a look at the history of the Vikings and Norse people a minute. Have we committed less atrocities as we conquered lands and traveled the world? We were quite the assholes in that regard actually. Or are you really that delusional that you honestly think that is different because it’s US and not THEM? Wasting your time attacking others because of something as idiotic as religion is embarrassing to watch.

Cinnamon knots

Tips: You will get an even better result if you put out all the ingredients some time before you start baking so all your ingredients have the same temperature.


• 125g butter
• 5dl whole milk
• 1 egg
• 50g yeast
• 150g sugar
• 1 kg wheat flour
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1 teaspoon cardemom


• 75g butter, room temperature
• 1/2 dl sugar
• 2 tablespoons cinnamon

  1. Melt butter in a casserole and add the milk. Let it get lukewarm, about 37 °C (same temp as your body). Crumble the yeast in a bowl, pour some of the liquid over and stir so it dissolves. Remember that it’s better the dough is too cold than too warm. The yeast won’t survive too high temperatures.
  2. Mix in sugar, cardamom, salt and most of the flour. You can do it by hand or use a mixer. Don’t use all the flour at once. Add the egg. Mix in the rest of the flour little by little until you get a smooth dough that don’t stick to the bowl.
  3. Cover the dough with plastic or a clean kitchen towel and put it somewhere warm for 40 minutes, or until it’s twice as big. While the dough is raising you can make the filling by mixing room temperature butter, sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl.
  4. Have some flour on your table and take the dough out of the bowl. Use a rolling pin until the dough is rectangular , appr. 20x50cm. Spread filling on it, use plenty.

5. Fold one end towards the middle.

6. Fold the other end over so they overlap.

7. Cut it in 1 cm pieces.

8. Stretch the pieces a bit.

9. Hold one end and roll the other end of the dough so it twists, roll towards yourself.

10. Make a knot of the dough. Hold in one end, fold it twice around three of your fingers and pull the end through the loop with the three fingers holding the dough.

11. Put them on a baking tray and let them raise under plastic or a kitchen towel until they are twice the size. Brush them with a whipped egg and add a little brown sugar or pearl sugar on top.

12. . Heat up your oven to 225°C (437F) and bake them for about 10 minutes.